National Fair Trade Fortnight- UK

As it is Fair Trade Fortnight in the UK, we have decided to tell you a little more about some of our wonderful Fair Trade makers and the companies and organisations that work with them. Fair Trade is synonymous with conscientious consumerism, something that we endeavour to project in our little business.

The World Fair Trade Organisation has simplified the most important aspects of Fair Trade in 10 Principles of Fair Trade: Opportunities for disadvantaged producers; transparency and accountability; fair trade practices; fair payment; no child or forced labour; No discrimination, gender equity and freedom of association; good working conditions; capacity building; promote fair trade; respect for the environment.

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Would You Like An Adventure Now Or Would You Like Tea First-Alice in Wonderland

Cup and saucer with hare necklace on it

‘Would you like an adventure now…or would you like tea first’ Lewis Carol in Alice in Wonderland.

Tea can be a mini adventure these days as the choice is growing.

We like to think of tea as a British tradition, but it was our Portuguese queen, Catherine of Braganza (who married Charles II) who initially made tea drinking fashionable, in the 1600s. Whilst it was once a pleasure reserved for the highest ranking people in the land, it has become accessible to all. Another difference between tea when Catherine was queen and tea now, are the options involved. Not only is there a lovely array of blends and brands, but also a choice in how you receive your tea. There are some wonderful brands keeping tea fashionable and interesting. We have spoken to the owners of three such brands. Read more

For The Love Of Bees

Bumblebee on Cosmos

I remember my grandfather telling me about the importance of bees, since then they have always been extra special to me. This is why BBCT is the first charity we are partnering with. To celebrate our partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust from February this year, we are announcing our collection of Bee Gift Sets. What better way to start 2017 than supporting a charity like this one. Though relatively small in size The Bumblebee Conservation Trust has a big heart. The trust was set up with the aim of conserving and spreading knowledge about these wonderful little creatures. We had a chat with them and asked them a few questions:

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